How Can We Serve You?

Our faith- based life coaching addresses your current spiritual condition, life successes, current condition of choices, life transitions, and relationships. You discover what your obstacles or challenges might be to moving forward. Then you and the coach develop a plan of action to help design your life vision, and evolving it to become of what you want. In short, coaching is meant to help you improve your physical and spiritual life, helping you to reach a goal or make a change in your life, significant or otherwise that blesses you and improves your way of living.

Is your child having trouble?

Faith-Based Life Coaching for youth between the ages of 7 yrs - 17 yrs old.

Some coaching goals for youth include:

• learning the Love of God

• strong self-confidence

• resilience and coping skills

• self-leadership and good decision making

• goal setting and achievement skills

• healthy self esteem

• and so much more….

With your support the coach can help, your child, learn how to identify and shift limiting beliefs that hold them back in life; and proactively create supporting beliefs that help then believe in their self, in God, and honor their uniqueness to thrive!

Maybe...One to One Spiritual Life Coaching?

Coaching programs are designed to be monthly check-ins and follow ups for developing and maintaining the plan that was created. If this works follow the next steps:

  1. Think about the areas of concern, and what goals you want to address

  2. Your coaching can be customized to fit your needs

  3. Book a Program Design Consultation

  4. Be sure to indicate what type of coaching you want (Coaching Session or Master Class)

  5. Give the Coach 48 hours to connect with you for next steps.

Maybe...Mental & Spiritual Health Master Class?

ReaLife University Ministry Classes offered are in a small group or one-to-one format; designed to shape behavior, expand knowledge, and develop growth spiritually, as well as enriching peronal growth.

There are 15 coaching courses offered with specialty life focused subjects.

The Ministry Class on various life specific topics. Class cost will be provided for Coaching sessions or Coaching Master classes during Program Design Consultations.

Ministry Class 1: Mental Wellness & Development

Ministry Class 2: Conflict Resolution

Ministry Class 3: Emotional Intelligence

Ministry Class 4: Christian Psychology

Ministry Class 5: Created In His Image

Ministry Class 6: Handling Abuse and Addiction

Ministry Class 7: The Abuse Cycle of Families

Ministry Class 8: Relationships and Boundaries

Ministry Class 9: Youth Affirmative Action

Ministry Class 10: Family Conflict Coaching

Ministry Class 11: New Believer 101

Ministry Class 12: Spiritual Growth

Ministry Class 13: Anger Management

Ministry Class 14: Healthy Caregivers

Ministry Class 15: Identity: LGBTQ and Faith